Saturday 23 July 2011

Electronic Gadgets Harm Eyes, Says Journal of Vision Study

When respected elders advice that it’s not right to watch TV or other electronic gadgets for so long as they could harm the eyes, they are right in saying so. A new study, named as Journal of Vision study, has revealed the prolonged viewing of mobiles and 3D devices often leads to visual discomfort, tiredness and sometimes headaches.
Researchers have found the reason for this cause; according to them, these displays put strain on our eyes, as we have to focus on the screens and concurrently have to regulate the distance of the content. They have referred to it as "vergence-accommodation”.

Martin Banks, Professor of Optometry and Vision Science, University of California, Berkeley, said people watch stereo-3-D displays, the eyes have to focus to accommodate to distance of the screens, as that is the only source from where light would come. At same time, eyes perform another function simultaneously, and that is to meet to the distance of the stereo content, which might be in front or behind the screen. This leads to discomfort to eyes.

Devices like mobile phone and desktop displays prove to be less comfortable than content placed behind the screen.Discomfort associated with viewing stereo 3-D is a major problem, and its use should be limited.

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